cBEYONData has been recognized as one of the “Best Small and Medium Workplaces of 2021” by Fortune, in their recent list published. cBEYONData was ranked 14th out of the 100 small businesses named on this list, meaning that cBEYONData is one of the best small and medium companies to work for in the world. Check out the list to learn more about our ranking and the other companies recognized.
From the Great Place to Work website:
To determine the 2021 Best Small Workplaces list and the 2021 Best Medium Workplaces list, Great Place to Work® analyzed confidential survey feedback representing more than 280,000 employees working in small- and medium-sized businesses in the United States.
Employees responded to over 60 survey questions describing the extent to which their organization creates a Great Place to Work For All™. Eight-five percent of the evaluation is based on what employees say about their experiences of trust and reaching their full human potential as part of their organization, no matter who they are or what they do. Great Place to Work analyzes these experiences relative to each organization’s size, workforce make up, and what’s typical relative to their peers in the industry.
The remaining 15 percent of the rank is based on an assessment of all employees’ daily experiences of innovation, the company’s values, and the effectiveness of their leaders, to ensure they’re consistently experienced.
To be considered, companies had to meet the Great Place to Work-Certified standard. To ensure survey results truly represent all employees, Great Place to Work requires that Trust Index© survey results are accurate to a 95% confidence level with a 5% margin of error or better. We review any anomalies in survey responses, news and financial performance to ensure there aren’t any extraordinary reasons to believe we couldn’t trust a company’s survey results. Companies with 10 to 99 people were considered for the small list; companies with 100 – 999 employees were considered for the medium list.
This is an exciting award, and we are planning to continue to invest in our employees and company culture, to continue to see cBEYONData grow and thrive. We believe that our team is more than “just an employee”; and we take a holistic approach to our benefits program that includes financial planning, career development, and healthcare benefits for employees and their families.
Learn more about the benefits of working at cBEYONData here, and if you are interested in joining our team, check out our current career opportunities!