Business Information

Organizations are always seeking information to help maximize their use of resources and optimize business performance. A strong Business Information Framework or Cost Framework enables better visibility into both the fixed and variable costs associated with operations.

Transparency into the variable costs of operations helps management optimize the applications, projects, and services that have the greatest impact on achieving the organization’s mission and business objectives.

The core of our Business Information Framework service is our in-depth understanding of how to build a causality-based cost model.

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Our expertise in cost accounting and analytics gives us an understanding of the challenges facing our clients and the complexity of both external and internal operating environments.
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We also understand our clients’ need for the right information, at the right time, to make informed decisions.

Organizations are always seeking information to help maximize their use of resources and optimize business performance.

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This requires better visibility into both the fixed and variable costs associated with operations.
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Transparency into the variable costs of operations helps management optimize the applications, projects, and services that have the greatest impact on achieving the organization’s mission and business objectives.

New and emerging frameworks such as Technology Business Management (TBM) seek to accomplish this by linking every dollar spent on IT to the business or the business outcomes those IT investments are intended to support.

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The TBM taxonomy defines and classifies IT resources; IT Functions; IT Applications; Products and Services; and the consumers of IT.
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Successful TBM adoption is accomplished through effective models that show the cause-and-effect relationship between the cost objectives management wishes to measure and the resources used to meet the objectives.

We design an information framework and an accompanying decision support system to enable management to make critical trade-off decisions that best support objectives and maximize performance.


We do this by applying the principles of causality. To help our clients build an information framework to support decisions, we apply the principles of causality and follow practices and standards outlined in the Institute of Management Accountants' Conceptual Framework for Managerial Costing.

We build the methodology by working closely with our clients to:

01 Plan, Scope & Requirements

We hold workshops with the stakeholders and plan, scope and define the requirements of the framework.

02 Solution Design & Blueprint

Once all of the requirements are clearly defined we blueprint how the framework will be built within the systems of record.

03 System Build & Configuration

After the blueprints are accepted we work with the system owners and integrators to ensure all of the systems are built or configured to supply the framework.

04 Verification & Validation

We work with the stakeholders to verify and validate that all new systems or system changes meet the objectives.

05 End User Training

We train the users to ensure they understand the data and systems feeding the framework.

06 Deploy & Sustain

We partner with our clients to deploy and sustain the information framework to ensure they have the information to make data informed decisions.

We tailor this methodology to the client’s needs and the project scope. To readily support:

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Developing a targeted model for a specific activity.
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Redesigning an operational cost model.
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Standing up a new organization.

We start by establishing a common understanding of:

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What our clients want to achieve.
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What questions they need to answer.
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What decisions the cost information should support.

We leverage our client’s data and apply proven scientific methods for data modeling supporting effective management decision-making.

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We model our client's operations.
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We show the flow of organizational resource and their associated costs to reflect the characteristics of the resources and process casualty.

Our Benefits

Whether your information framework is in support of delivering IT products and services, maximizing revenues, or simply trying to get a better sense of which investments to make, our Business Information Framework capability will ensure decision makers are presented with information that is:

  • Informative – Information based on causality to illustrate how operational resources are linked with costs to help predict future performance.
  • Detailed – Information that provides the level of insight required for managerial control and influence over future results.
  • Transparent – Information that accurately reflects the characteristics of the operating resources and processes.
  • Timely – Information is available when needed.


Contact Us.

We’re happy to walk you through our solutions.