CFO Financial Management
and Analytics (FM&A)

Traditionally, accessing analytics and reports from a financial system meant enabling government staff to manually “wrangle” data to produce clean data for reporting. This can delay end-user access to the most recent data and create an over-reliance on lagging, inaccurate, or stale performance measures.

The CFO FM&A is a scalable, on-demand, and integrated solution that enhances federal financial systems. It provides effective and timely management and reporting for financial execution. It applies pre-built dashboards, and reports, and consolidates data from disparate financial systems to rapidly produce reports, alerts, and analytics.


solution is a financial data warehouse designed to provide users with the information they need to make decisions. Key attributes include:

Leverages key data

management functions of the CFO Control Tower (CT) solution: data quality, data normalization, data lineage, data cleansing, data exchange, and external compliance.

Provides pre-built analytics

and a proven service delivery process that accurately, predictably, and affordably provides financial analytics and reports using current data. These components include over 125 reports and analytics, along with solutions for GTAS, DATA Act, and TBM reporting – all operating inside a commercial off the shelf solution.


data lineage and analytics.

Integration of Machine Learning (ML) tools

and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to increase productivity and efficiency and automate redundant manual processes.

Regulatory systems assurance

and security monitoring for secure and compliant reports.

Each component within CFO and CDO organizations – Budget, Procurement, Financial Reporting, Audit, Payroll, General Ledger, External Compliance Reporting, Financial Systems Support, and Performance Management – can leverage the FM&A solution to quickly automate their business processes. Automation features include procurement workload, automatic event notifications, predictive analytics, ad hoc queries, and data exploration.


The benefits of the CFO FM&A solution include:

Available on premise

or leveraging either the AWS or Azure secured GovCloud.

Provides ready access

to current consolidated data from federal financial and mission sources.


these data to enable timely reporting, alerts, and analytics.

Significantly reduces

time spent on manual data aggregation and manipulation.


the need for multiple stovepipe one off solutions.


implementation and O&M costs.

Benefits also include the ability to enable clients to:

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Take full control of their data reporting capability.
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Avoid a large capital expenditure when purchased as a service.
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Leverage accurate and current data to rapidly generate standard reports and respond to ad hoc data calls.
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More effectively and accurately manage their financial execution.


Check out these briefs and Contact Us

• Click here to view the CFO Control Tower Brochure PDF
• Click here to view the CFO Control Tower Capabilities Brief PDF
• Click here to view the CFO Control Tower Budgeting and Planning PDF
• Click here to view the CFO Control Tower NASA-SEWP PDF
• Click here to view the CFO Control Tower EULA PDF
• Click here to view the cBEYONData SAP Cloud Agreement PDF